Equine CranioSacral Workshops Equine CranioSacral Workshops
Articles by Maureen Rogers on Equine CranioSacral Therapy
Return to the Equine CranioSacral Therapy home page What's New at Equine CranioSacral TherapyPress Releases Benefits of Equine CranioSacral Therapy Maureen Rogers' biography and qualifications Workshops offered by Equine CranioSacral Therapy Equine Practioners approved by Maureen Rogers of Equine CranioSacral Therapy Articles on the subject of Equine CranioSacral Therapy Headshaking Links and resources for you from EquineCranioSacral.com How to contact us at Equine CranioSacral Therapy
These articles have been written to help you better understand your horse and how to help improve his or her health and well being.
  • Headshaking relief with Craniosacral Therapy
    Caroline Hamilton talks to Maureen Rogers, leading expert in the field of Equine CranioSacral Therapy, and presents a case study of another horse that obtained relief from this debilitating condition.
    View the article on the horses and people website.
    View or download it as a PDF file.

  • HeadStrong
    Equine craniosacral therapy addresses the horse's whole body, and can be learned by anyone. Did you know your horse's head could hold the key to his wellness? Equine craniosacral is one of the only therapies that addresses the whole body, but uniquely including the head or cranium of the horse – which, when out of balance, affects the whole body. And it's growing in acceptance and popularity in the horse community.
    View/Download the article using the following link:
         HeadStrong, 2.4Mb
    Courtesy of Equine Wellness Magazine

  • Out Of Puff
    Maureen was featured in Eventing Magazine, February 2013
    Does your horse tire quickly despite being fit? He may have a compromised respiratory system and be unable to breathe as efficiently as nature intended, explains equine craniosacral consultant MAUREEN ROGERS.
    View/Download the article using the following links:
         Page 1 of the article (Page 40 of the magazine), 5.0Mb
         Page 2 of the article (Page 41 of the magazine), 3.3Mb
    Courtesy of Eventing Magazine | Subscribe to Eventing

  • Holding the Upper Hand
    Maureen was featured in Eventing Magazine, March 2011
    Could craniosacral therapy help to overcome a multitude of problems in event horses? British Olympian Sharon Hunt believes so. Julie Harding finds out more about this non-invasive, hands-on therapy.
    View/Download the article using the following links:
         Page 1 of the article (Page 50 of the magazine), 4.5Mb
         Page 2 of the article (Page 51 of the magazine), 3.4Mb
    Courtesy of Eventing Magazine | Subscribe to Eventing

  • Conformation or Posture - A New Perspective
    Australia's hoofbeats Magazine, October/November 2010
    Conditions thought to be conformation faults may not be hereditary at all, but caused by the way a horse has learned to hold itself, giving new hope for correction, better performance and well-being.
    (PDF document - 416 Kb, courtesy of Hoofbeats Magazine)

  • Hands On, Equine CranioSacral Therapy: Keep the Equine Body in Balance with a Light Touch
    Natural Horse Magazine, January/February 2010
    Newly adapted to the equine world in the last decade, CranioSacral therapy is a uniquely efficient way to keep horses in biomechanical balance and maintain skeletal and muscular health. CranioSacral therapy is also used successfully in treating specific equine conditions such as headshaking, TMJ (temporomandibular joint) imbalances, head traumas and facial nerve paralysis.
    (PDF document - 700 Kb, courtesy of Natural Horse Magazine)

  • Maureen Rogers: Combining what she loves best – horses and massage
    Santa Cruz Sentinel newspaper, November 29, 2009
    If Maureen Rogers' four-legged clients could talk, they would undoubtedly thank her. A pioneer in equine craniosacral work, Rogers travels around the world treating horses with physical and behavioral problems, and teaching her techniques to trainers, vet technicians, equine dentists and horse owners.

  • Radio Interview with Natural Horse Talk Show
    The Natural Horse Talk Show
    Hear a radio interview about Equine CranioSacral Therapy. Maureen was a guest on The Natural Horse Talk Show and interviewed by Lisa Ross Williams. (scroll down about one-third to half of the way down the page)
    (Direct link to interview - mp3 audio)

  • CranioSacral Aspect of Head Trauma (PDF article, 149 Kb)
    Australia's hoofbeats Magazine, August/September 2008
    Healthy living bone has a natural degree of pliability and can remodel and regenerate after injury. Bones will even change shape under constant shape under constant pressure – which is one reason why the effects of head trauma can be lifelong.

  • Hands-on Healing
    New Zealand Horse and Pony Magazine, February 2008
    Equine CranioSacral therapy is gaining popularity, as Annie Studholme discovers.

  • Headshaking - Part Two
    Australia's hoofbeats Magazine, October/November 2007
    When the subject of headshaking was first explored in the April/May 2006 issue of Hoofbeats (All Shook Up - Headshaking Syndrome, Vol 26 No 6), it became immediately obvious that many readers were facing this problem with their horses and desperately searching for answers. Although some may have found answers in that particular article and since moved on, others have been eagerly awaiting the promised Part Two in order to find out more. In the course of our research it became evident that there is also a need for Part Three (Dec/Jan issue) on this very complex subject.
    (PDF document, 1 Mb, courtesy of Hoofbeats Magazine)

  • Equine CranioSacral Work and the Equine Athlete
    Organic Equine, 2007

  • CranioSacral Work with Horses
    Australia's hoofbeats Magazine, February/March 2006
    Equine Craniosacral work, a very gentle and noninvasive form of treatment, can assist with the management of many physical and behavioral health problems.

  • Einführung in die CranioSacral Arbeit mit Pferden
    EquineCranioSacral.com, 2005 (written in German)
    Equine CranioSacral work is a holistic healing method in which only very light finger pressure is applied to optimize the body movement of the horse. Applied correctly, this gentle and subtle technique be very effective for a number of problems of the health status of the horse.

  • TMJ and TMD - Exploring the Whole Body Connection
    Natural Horse Magazine, 2002
    Horses rely on the proper function of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) mechanism just like we do, if not more! The ability to move the jaw properly - side to side, up and down, forward and back - affects not only the ability to chew and digest food, but also affects the body’s balance and biomechanics. Proper function of the TMJ Mechanism is vital to horse health.

  • Equine CranioSacral Work - An Introduction to the Physiological and Intuitive Understanding
    Natural Horse Magazine, 2000
    What is CranioSacral Work? CranioSacral Work combines sensitive and hands-on bodywork with meditative use of the inner eye and inner ear. Techniques are drawn from three traditions: osteopathy, energy work and Taoism.
Equine Craniosacral Therapy - Maureen Rogers, Equine Consultant
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