Moneighs Productions is a film production company uniquely dedicated to making a difference in alternative health and healing for animals both large and small. |
Vita-Trac Wellness Nutritional - Therapeutic - Environmental Consulting for Horses, Small Animals and Humans. |
Advanced Whole Horse Dentistry Learning Center – Specializing in Vital Neuro Muscular Concepts (Originators of Natural Balance Dentistry) |
Coaching With Horses Kathy Pike – Experience the power of a horse and change your life forever... |
Connected Naturally – Fiona Pim – Optimum Health, Posture & Performance. Chiropractic for horses, dogs & cats. Natural Balance Dentistry for horses. |
The Craniosacral Academy of Australia is a leading educational Academy for training, classes and courses in Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release Therapy and Polarity Therapy! |
Dutch Dreamhorses Private boarding, training and horse rehabilitation facility. Supplier of Koole Sedelogic® Saddle Pads, Belebro Hoof Gel & Beo-Band® safe horse fencing. |
Equilibrium Australia Helping you improve your horse's health and performance |
The Equine Edge Natural effective horse supplements for health, maintenance, competition and recovery. |
Equine Science Equine Nutritional – Health Solutions – High Performance Health for your Horse |
Hamag - Fine Leather Creations |
Dr. Gerd Heuschmann – I would like to advise every horseman never to judge different philosophies before having tried them because we can learn a lot from each other. |
Horse Rush TV Aussie Horse TV at its finest can now be seen on RFD TV in America. |
IAAMB - International Association of Animal Massage & Bodywork - The Association was founded as a forum for animal massage and bodywork professionals to network and support each other. Our members share a common goal of advancing the field of animal massage and bodywork. |
Natural Horse Magazine - A Publication Focusing on Humane and Natural Care for Horses and Other Animals. |
Ramaekers Nutrition's mission is to provide natural veterinary products for beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, horses, dogs, and cats to educate immune cells and enhance their function. |
Vitafloor USA, Inc. specializes in supplying its clients with innovative and non-invasive training and rehabilitation products and equipment such as: Vitafloor® vibrating floor systems, Belebro eurocisers, Q-Line® horse solariums, Q-Line® Safety Wall™, Seawalker®, Beo-Band® Safe Horse Fencing, Belebro Hoof Gel and Koole Sedelogic® Saddle Pads and other products. |