Equine CranioSacral Workshops Equine CranioSacral Workshops
One Day Canine Assessment Clinic
View a description of the ECS 1 workshop View a description of the ECS 2 workshop View a description of the ECS 3 workshop View a description of the ECS 4 workshop View a description of the ECS 5 workshop View a description of the ECS 6 workshop View a schedule of our upcoming workshop dates and locations Submit a Secure on-line application for our workshops
View a description of the ECS Review workshops Assessment and Dental Clinics View a description of the CCS 1 workshop View a description of the CCS 2 workshop View a description of the CCS 3 workshop
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This one day clinic is designed to educate dog owners on what is healthy movement in the canine. Clinic participants attending will be shown the various ways of how to assess their dog for postural and biomechanical imbalances. Clinic also covers what is posture vs. conformation and to identify postural imbalances, how to address low back problems, hindend problems and ways to keep your canine healthy and happy. (More Info)

Canine CranioSacral (CCS) work is a holistic healing practice, which uses extremely light finger pressure to optimize body movement. When applied correctly, this gentle and subtle technique can be highly effective in addressing a number of conditions in the dog.

Canine CranioSacral Workshops offers classes, lectures and private consultations, which combine the analytical and intuitive approaches of CranioSacral methods for dogs. Classes are based on the philosophy that the cranial wave is an intelligent form of communication.

The Canine CranioSacral Workshops class series is designed to equip the student practitioner with the skills necessary to practice canine craniosacral work at a deeper, more intuitive level than that of technique.

Cost for clinic participants with dogs: $150.00
(People with dogs are limited to 5 registrants.)
(These dogs will be assessed during the clinic.)
Spectators/Auditors: $75.00
Pre-registration is required.

Workshop to be scheduled soon.
Please return often.

Equine Craniosacral Therapy - Maureen Rogers, Equine Consultant
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