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Press Release - Maureen Rogers, Equine Consultant
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Maureen Rogers, CMT
Equine CranioSacral Workshops and Private Consultation
Improving the health and well-being of horses around the world
P.O. Box 696, Aptos, California 95001, USA


CONTACT: Maureen Rogers: Telephone: (001) (831) 642-2210
Email: info@equinecraniosacral.com

Non-Invasive Techniques Heal Headshakers

Pioneer advances craniosacral work to ease longstanding trauma

APTOS, CALIFORNIA—Feb. 26, 2007—Thousands of horses suffering from the painful and dehabilitating symptoms of headshaking syndrome have a viable option to drugs, surgery and mechanical mask devices, according to Maureen Rogers, an international pioneer of equine craniosacral therapy.

The technique, which is gaining increasing international interest, has produced remarkable results in performance horses of all kinds: dressage, eventers, hunter/jumpers, racehorses, barrel racers and pleasure horses.

Rogers will be teaching her feather-light touch to horse owners and specialists at a one-day Equine Assessment Workshop in Finstock, Oxfordshire, England on 20, May 2007 and at a more extensive Equine CranioSacral Workshop to be held in Middlebarton, Oxfordshire on 22-25, May 2007.

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, hands-on method that involves the application of light pressure to specific points that directly address common problems in performance horses. At workshops, participants learn to work directly with soft tissue and practice craniosacral techniques that enhance healthy movement and release muscular and skeletal restrictions throughout the body.

Rogers has worked with thousands of horses, primarily in North America, Australia and England with amazing results from this kind of therapy. In one case, Tanzanite Dawn, a six-year-old racehorse in England, suffered a tendon injury to the right front leg and severe muscle tension in her left hind leg. Rogers performed an initial craniosacral treatment focusing on relieving muscular skeletal imbalances. The result has been a winning racehorse.

"After treatments from Maureen and her team, I now have a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed mare who shows definite improvement in her attitude," said the horse’s owner, Beverley Booty a thoroughbred breeder in Wilts, England. "She has just started her racing for this season. So far, two runs, two wins." Treatment to keep Tanzanite Dawn limber and healthy is ongoing and several other of Booty’s racehorses are experiencing the benefits of craniosacral treatment as well.

"Craniosacral therapy is highly effective in treating specific conditions and muscular skeletal imbalances of the equine," Rogers says. "These methods can be learned and applied by horse owners and specialists as a way of maintaining the overall health and well-being of the horses between competitions."

The one-day Equine Assessment Clinic at Hartsop Farm in Finstock, Oxfordshire is designed to help horse owners identify healthy movement in the horse. Clinic participants will learn assessment techniques for postural and biomechanical imbalances. Rogers will also clarify differences between posture and conformation, and address low back problems, hock/stifle problems and ways to keep your horse healthy and sound.

The four-day Foundation Equine CranioSacral Workshop at Horse Hay Farm in Middlebarton, Oxfordshire is designed to introduce a physiological and intuitive understanding of how to apply specific hands-on techniques to optimize body movement and address a number of conditions. There will be an emphasis on issues surrounding the health of the spine, cranium and sacrem. Participants study cranial bones of the horse and spend a significant amount of time on practical application of techniques on horses.

Founder of Equine CranioSacral Workshops, Rogers was one of the first cranialsacral practioners to apply these scientifically proven techniques that are widely used on humans to the equine population. She specializes in performance horses. She travels internationally for teaching, lectures and private consultations, working in conjunction with veterinarians, equine dentists, trainers, physiotherapists, and horse owners throughout the U.S., U.K. and Australia. Rogers is also the producer of a 15-minute DVD called Hope for Headshakers, which is available upon request.

For more information about Equine CranioSacral Therapy or any of the upcoming workshops, please visit www.equinecraniosacral.com, call Maureen Rogers in the U.S. at (001) (831) 642-2210, or call Sarah Luck in Bucks, England at (078) 5079 3723.

Electronic images available on request.

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